Standard Features
Free domain name
1 years free hosting
Email accounts
Technical support
Marketing reports
Visitor statistics
Logo design
Content Management
Search Engine Optimisation
Website Design
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You need to upgrade your Flash Player or to allow javascript to enable Website menu.
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1 Page Website
2-5 Page Website
5-10 Page Website
10-14 Page Website
Online e-commerce store
Online Store
2-5 PAGE
5-10 PAGE
Web Design Packages & Prices

We have developed a pricing system which is based around the following tariff and prices which you  should  use as a guide. We are able to develop brochure, e-commerce, flash and C.M.S based web sites to your specification and needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us for a quote, our staff is friendly and willing to answer any questions you may have.









Insidecomputers brochure package. One page bespoke website design including all our standard features, contact / submission forms, flash animation, video and live chat features.











Insidecomputers 2-5 page brochure sites are ideal for establishing an online identity for your new  business  venture,  including in this package  are all our standard features, contact / submission forms, flash animation, video and live chat features.










Insidecomputers 5-10 page brochure sites are ideal for establishing an online identity for your new  business  venture, this package enables you to advertise your services in even greater detail with a even more professional layout that captures your projected audience.












Expand your site to 10-14 pages and give your customers all the information, news and updates they will ever need. This package is ideal for well established companies looking to advertise their services online through a professional, eye catching interactive website experience.









Insidecomputers CMS solutions are ideal for those who want an online e-commerce store, Our CMS (centralised management system ) has some core features and standards that will make it easy for you to manage, maintain and support your customers in an effective, intuitive manner.


All you need is  administrative  rights, a user name and login password to access your site and make all the changes you want from the convince of a web browser anywhere in the world.


There is no need for repetitive software installations to maintain and update core features of your website when your on the go, with insidecomputers CMS solutions you are guaranteed a hassle free user experience second to non.


Features of our CMS solution



> Shopping cart and product 'look and feel' are themeable


> Create taxes, charges and discounts


> Subscriptions and recurring payments


> Receive donations


> Sell file downloads, shippable items, bundles or even on-the-fly


> customizable products


> Inventory management


> Payment and shipping plugins: The system can use PayPal,, eWAY, C.O.D. or you can roll your own.


> Invoice generation and email notifications


> Transaction and payment workflows


> Reports and sales summaries


> Customers can review their order history


> Run an auction site

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